Eat as much as you want without gaining weight from it? It sounds too good to be true. But it isn’t! Because with certain foods, you’re allowed to grab as much as you want – without it all showing up on the scale.
Whether sautéed, steamed or crispy from the oven – broccoli and cauliflower are particularly low in calories. At 100 grams, these cabbages have just over 20 calories. By comparison, a small banana alone has 60 calories. On top they are super Vitamin C suppliers and as fiber source optimally for a good digestion.
Forest fruits
You have certainly heard that berries are the healthiest fruit. But did you know that they also have a lot to offer in terms of a dream body? Blueberries, raspberries and the like are not only low in calories, but also contain a high concentration of so-called polyphenols, which boost fat burning. The perfect topping for your porridge, smoothie bowl or as a snack in between.
Salty Popcorn
That’s right. Popcorn and a slim line don’t necessarily contradict each other. At least not if you snack on popped corn without butter and sugar, but with just a little salt. Then a handful of it contains just 31 calories.
A food can hardly have fewer calories and fat than a cucumber. With 12 calories per 100 grams, it is at the top of the list of slimming foods. What’s more, with its high water content, cucumber can help you meet your daily hydration needs. Our snack tip: Slice and sprinkle with a little sea salt.
Citrus fruits
Oranges, grapefruits and co. are primarily good for our immune system with their high vitamin C content. In addition to the health benefits, citrus fruits also score points with regard to a slim silhouette: the bitter substances they contain act as natural appetite suppressants. A grapefruit, for example, provides just 45 calories per 100 grams. But beware: grapefruits contain so-called furanocoumarins. These block certain substances in the intestine that are responsible for the breakdown of drugs. This could increase the effect on the one hand, but also the side effects. If you take medication, be careful with grapefruits!
Carrots with hummus are a popular snack, especially among top models. Rightly so: After all, the orange vegetable has few calories and provides you with lots of beta-carotene. This plant pigment is said to prevent cancer and stimulate the metabolism. What incredible benefits beta-carotene also has, we tell you here.
With its pink color alone, this power vegetable puts you in a good mood. And if you take a look at the calorie balance, it increases even more: only 13 calories per 100 grams! In addition, rhubarb contains a lot of vitamin C, fiber, iron and phosphorus. The last two ingredients support muscle building in addition to heart health. That makes a piece of rhubarb pie actually almost healthy, right?
— source: COSMOPOLITAN/picture:
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